It seem ages since I have blogged and i have got a few cards to share, so will do them over the next few days.
This is the card that I made for my dad's 81st birthday which was last week. He loves his football and has been a life long Liverpool supporter, so this card was apt for him in the Liverpool colors.
Last year for his 80th birthday he and mum went a a cruise, something he has always wanted to do. They really enjoyed it and have been on two more since and another one booked.
I was sat earlier thinking about what a lot has happened in the year since his 80th birthday, and how my life has changed mostly due to my weight loss and being more confident (to which a big thank you goes to a very special person in my life), who I won't name as they would be so embarrassed.
Well back to crafting, be back either later or tomorrow with more cards.
Thank you for reading
Lorraine xxx