Just a quick blog just to say I am now out of hospital after a 9 day stay. I would like to thank everyone for all the cards, gifts, text messages, emails they are all very much appreciated. Thank you to all my family and friends for all the visits for making the stay that much easier.
I am not going to name individuals as I am sure I would miss someone out, but I am sure you all know who you are. I would like to say a special thank you to my Mum, Dad and daughter Lisa you have all been so caring and supportive through this difficult time. I love you all very much, and now hope things can get better.
This experience has taught me a lot and I did carefully think about it before putting it on my blog, and I hope others can benefit from it. A special friend had to give me a good talking to/telling me off, for me to listen, so here goes.
A while ago someone wrote some very nasty and vindictive things about me, saying I was attention seeking and more able than I made out. So when I started becoming ill I was ignoring it and what my friends were telling me as subconsciously those words had stuck in my mind and I didn't want to appear to be attention seeking. As I became more ill and my friends were begging me to do something about it I was just ignoring the fact that I was ill.
Then a very close friend who I trust came and gave me some home truths as to why was I listening to people who don't matter in my life and are insignificant and not listening to my true friends who care about me and were very worried about me. After a lot of tears and hugs I finally agreed to see a doctor and receive some treatment. As most of my close friends already know this was to late the relapse had been left to long and treatment wouldn't be effective, so I have just got to ride it out and keep taking painkillers.
I know it has been a tough time for my family especially my daughter and my close friends and I apologise for not listening to you all earlier.
Well I had a lot of time to think in hospital and I now feel it is time to put this all behind me and move on, it has been a difficult time and I hope people realise that sometime things that are written or said can be very hurtful and destroy lives. I will not return to it again but felt I had to write it down and move on.
Thank you for reading
Lorraine xxx